Monday, November 7, 2005

Darth Mark & Count Diane

Time for an update.
So as The Captain would say... i learned something of IMPORT a few days back. But i waited until i had a backup confession of someone trustworthy to unveil it.
Guess who tried to get at least 2 people to beat me up?
Youll never guess.
Stop trying.

cmon... do u think u really know?

ok, so ill tell you.
Mark and Diane. Thats right. The proverbial egg donor and wannabe sperm donor. My ex-mother and step-father. Yea. David told me that. He said they tried to get him to, and they tried to get louie to, and that both said no. I didnt beleive him. So i asked Louie today. And louie goes, "Yea, they said u had an attitude problem and wanted me to 'fix' it."
Love works in mysterious ways?
I just want all my friends to know... that Im going to have someone jump you... because i care about you, and thats what u do when u care about people.
I'm no longer at marcias. So ill only be online when i hit the library.
Peace, love, and jump your loved ones!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Desperate Mothers & Pathetic Excuses of Human Beings

So I talk to a friend of mine today. She informs me that Diane is not happy with just destroying her family and her relationship with her firstborn son. I guess Diane had to do it to someone else.
I dont feel like explaining the details. That mixed with not knowing alot of them, is going to make this a fairly short post.
And look at the time.. I have to go. I will continue later on.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Top 25

As October draws to a close, I feel the need to remind people that in December I will release my top 25 of '05. To bring it all back to mind, i will repost the lists from 2003, and 2004.

1. Kristina's coat, Brandon's pina coloda

2. Thanksgiving Convo with my dad. (Dad-)Don't F*ck with me! (uncle orv-) Hey kenny, F*ck with him.

3. Saddam Hussien caught.

4. Holidae In

5. Jay-Z's retirement announcment

6. LOTR: Return of the King

7. 2003 North Vs South Football Game

8. Antho-"knee" problem

9. The Matrix Revolutions Disappointment

10. Madonna & Britney

11. Madonna & Christina

12. Ichthus 2003

13. Michael Jackson

14. We as Americans- Eminem

15. The Oreo

16. R. Kelly

17. The Cell Phone

18. Getting a job at Krogers

19. Freddy Vs. Jason

20. Ruben Studdard

21. Jedi's Last Hope

22. The Camel Toe song from Bob and Tom

23. Grand theft auto going to X-box

24. In da Club/Get Rich or Die Tryin'

25. The Kroger Hobbit, T- Baggins


1. Election 04
2. Getting Kicked out of the house
3. Tubin Down Mad River
4. Homecoming
5. 17 Birthday Party
7. Kill Bill
8. Superbowl 04
9. Protesting Kerry rally
10. Ichthus 04: Mission in the Mud
11. Troy (all 3 times)
12. Bengals vs. Giants
13. Gold Bond
14. Traders World
15. Midnight Bowling
16. Brandie
17. Halo 2
18. Smallville Season 4
19. Passion of the Christ
20. Jaimie
21. Xanga
22. Red Vs. Blue
23. Bush Rally in Springfield
24. Amber
25. Jessica

Keep an Eye out for the upcoming 2005 list.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I've been drafted

You read the title right. I'm informing everyone that I received a letter in the mail today telling me that I was drafted into the Marines. I cried for almost two hours. I know theyre going to push me through boot camp and then send me right over to Iraq. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do.
I apologize. Everyone was right in November when they said that if President Bush got another term, he would bring back the draft, and you were right. I just wish I would have listened to you all. Everyone told me that if he won in November, the draft would start before summer ended and I guess it has. You were all correct and I sadly admit that I was wrong.

Except I'm not. Because I'm NOT being drafted into the Marines. Or the Army for that matter. In fact, here it is, closing on the month of October and BEHOLD... no draft. A year has passed, and you were all wrong so far. Don't you all feel like asses now?

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Star Wars LEGO

Finally a combination of 2 of the greatest things ever made, Legos and Star Wars. In this game you play as the lego incarnations of yoru favorite star wars characters and play through the storylines of Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. You should def. play it. It is beast.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Three-toed Christians

So I was sitting here, bored, and browsing xangas when I think I finally had enough. I've read through all these xangas of people in my area, or people on my subscriptions. I began to get really upset while readign through them. Hypocrites. All of them are. I know I have no room to talk, but im gonna make room and im gonna talk.
I know were only human but damn. One post I hear about how great there life is and yada yada yada and then the next post is like " I was at church..." or "I was praying..." or w/e and then they continue with how God knew exactly what they needed or God really spoke to them. It kills me because my biggest problem is knowing that I'm unworthy for forgiveness, hence making it a little difficult for me to accept that I can be and AM forgiven. I know I've fucked up and I know im unworthy so I need to be humble. And until I become humble before him, how can I really be forgiven by him? Its not important for God to know exactly what I "NEED." It's important for ME to know what God wants from ME. Not what I want from him. They write posts about it in their blog's like its getting a allowance from your parents. I mean DAMN... someone DIED to give us this gift so shouldn't we be a little slower to just go up, take it, and walk back to the life thats behind us?
I know the things i say and whatnot are a little unorthodox but im a realist. On top of being a realist.... im a pessimist. I inadvertantly focus on the negative simply because... its part of me. I know from talking to other people my age and through searching my own mind that 90% of what they show is an act. Its funny too because... one of the girls that runs in these circles and talks about how great God is to her and whatnot, is the same girl that goes out with my friend who came up to me one day in idle chit chat and informed me of thier... sexual... endeavors. They met at church, she goes to a christian school, she runs in the christian groups, she comes to the alter calls, she buys the Jesus clothes and such.. and he informs me (in all honesty) that not more than a 3 days before he had his hands up her shirt. I mean... WHAT is that? Thats just one example. The hypocrisy of people that call themselves followers of Christ is appalling. Personally, I think that if Jesus just showed up one day and started from going house to house, hed start flipping tables in houses and churches across the nation. What have we become? We are supposedly followers of the One True God Jehovah, His son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit yet we know nothing more than rituals and stories out of a 2000 year old book.
Jesus is not our church. Jesus is not our pastor. Jesus is not our christian concerts with our church vans and matching christian shirts. Jesus is not merchandise. People will not find nor share Jesus in thier pews on Sunday. Sunday christians are nothign more than fools trying to assure themselves that heaven is waiting on them. Jesus is kid sitting at the lunch table all alone. Jesus is the lady sitting on a bench downtown surrounded by 3 plastic bags of clothes. Jesus IS NOT your youth group.
Its all fine and dandy to go to church and get the gospel and chill with your christian homies, but Sunday should not be about going somewhere to make yourself feel better about yourself. When you "give your heart to Jesus" your giving your life to a life of service. Being christian doesnt mean go to church on Sunday and be really nice to people the rest of the week.
I read the LEft Behind series and I think the books interpret the bible fairly well, but what it lacks in is the projection of the world. See, they say "millions" of people dissappearing at the rapture. No, I think not. I think its more like thousands of people. I think we will be sadly dissappointed at the rapture and the return of christ as very few people we know dissappear. Then further into the books... they talk about the mark of the beast being given to people and such. Sadly enough... I doubt there will be much resistance to that. If it buys them the new cd, some food, or gets them to a concert, people will get it. Most people will get it.
True Christians are the three-toed sloths of todays world. They're on the way out. Harder to find than a decent radio station.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines Hell... I mean Day

Working at a retail store, I see the fruits that businesses reap from this "great" day. Its pathetic if you ask me. Guys desperately running through the stores buying flowers, candy and stuffed animals for thier females in an attempt to show them thier feelings or just to try to get a peice of ass. Its rather gross. A friend of mine over on xanga ( Talks a bit about marketing and whatnot of V-day.
So on this holiday, instead of buying a ton of crap for your female interest (or male depending on your flavor) stay home and chill. Watch some Howard Stern, some cartoon network, or pop in a good DVD. Thats what I'll be doing.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

LAP: Liberals Against Progress

I swear.....
I watched the Inauguration today. It was rather interesting. The first one I've watched that I've actually understood. Bush's speech was nice. He skillfully dodged the middle east in his delivery, but in general it was a well written, and spoken, speech. But what killed me wasn't the avoiding of debatable subjects, but the protesters.
I can understand, and sympathize, protesting DURING the race. I mean hell... I protested Kerry when he came by the Heritage Center. During the race, your protesting MIGHT have an affect on undecided voters. But the race is over. It has been recounted, recounted, recounted again, debated, debated again, and it was decided that, whether the liberals like it or not, Bush won the election. Bush WILL BE the President of the United States for 4 more years. Standing outside dressed in black, shouting, and throwing snowballs won't change that fact. No matter how much you protest, it won't change the election results. I specifically remember Kerry spouting "It's time for a change" when he was on the campaign trail. I also remember hearing him speak of "progress" and "uniting america" when he was dumping those hot air tanks of his. To support a candidate means that you are behind them. Well for any normal or sensible human being, you wouldn't support someone if you don't beleive in what they preach. So where is their support for Kerry's values and beleifs now? How are we uniting and progressing if we're screaming and throwing things at the Inauguration ceremonies? It just doesn't match up for some reason.
A recent editorial by Ann Coulter summed up alot of what is on my mind. She titled it:
It's Our Party, You Can Cry If You Want To
Dead serious when I say that you need to go check that article at. It's so funny. Almost as good as her one titled: Liberals Love America Like OJ Loved Nicole. She is an excellent writer. Check her out at
But moving on. In my stupid teenage mind, it doesn't seem to click that 2 months ago they were bitching about progress and change, and now that they lost, suddenly those values are unimportant. I'm beginning to realize how John Kerry appealed to them. Thier values change almost as much as his do. But seriously, it's over now. Kerry isn't president. Shouting and bitching won't make it so. So instead of pouting and complaining, how about you work with him. How about the liberals in America admit that Kerry lost, and move on. Don't worry, the chance will be back in just under 4 years for the bitching and complaining to start again. But until then, how about you dust your shoulders off and get in the game with the rest of us. This country needs healing, and throwing snowballs and trash at fences and cops is NOT gonna do a damn thing.