Thursday, January 20, 2005

LAP: Liberals Against Progress

I swear.....
I watched the Inauguration today. It was rather interesting. The first one I've watched that I've actually understood. Bush's speech was nice. He skillfully dodged the middle east in his delivery, but in general it was a well written, and spoken, speech. But what killed me wasn't the avoiding of debatable subjects, but the protesters.
I can understand, and sympathize, protesting DURING the race. I mean hell... I protested Kerry when he came by the Heritage Center. During the race, your protesting MIGHT have an affect on undecided voters. But the race is over. It has been recounted, recounted, recounted again, debated, debated again, and it was decided that, whether the liberals like it or not, Bush won the election. Bush WILL BE the President of the United States for 4 more years. Standing outside dressed in black, shouting, and throwing snowballs won't change that fact. No matter how much you protest, it won't change the election results. I specifically remember Kerry spouting "It's time for a change" when he was on the campaign trail. I also remember hearing him speak of "progress" and "uniting america" when he was dumping those hot air tanks of his. To support a candidate means that you are behind them. Well for any normal or sensible human being, you wouldn't support someone if you don't beleive in what they preach. So where is their support for Kerry's values and beleifs now? How are we uniting and progressing if we're screaming and throwing things at the Inauguration ceremonies? It just doesn't match up for some reason.
A recent editorial by Ann Coulter summed up alot of what is on my mind. She titled it:
It's Our Party, You Can Cry If You Want To
Dead serious when I say that you need to go check that article at. It's so funny. Almost as good as her one titled: Liberals Love America Like OJ Loved Nicole. She is an excellent writer. Check her out at
But moving on. In my stupid teenage mind, it doesn't seem to click that 2 months ago they were bitching about progress and change, and now that they lost, suddenly those values are unimportant. I'm beginning to realize how John Kerry appealed to them. Thier values change almost as much as his do. But seriously, it's over now. Kerry isn't president. Shouting and bitching won't make it so. So instead of pouting and complaining, how about you work with him. How about the liberals in America admit that Kerry lost, and move on. Don't worry, the chance will be back in just under 4 years for the bitching and complaining to start again. But until then, how about you dust your shoulders off and get in the game with the rest of us. This country needs healing, and throwing snowballs and trash at fences and cops is NOT gonna do a damn thing.