Sunday, November 21, 2004

Losing Childhood

Don't let your kids get a job. Ive come to realize while the money is nice, it takes away from other things they would otherwise have. It takes away from extracirricular activities, daily energy, friend time, family time, and is a distraction from the world they used to know. Dont get me wrong, I'm not going to quit my job or anything.. I'm just saying that I personally am missing out on alot because of my job. Example: I work 2-10 today. I wanted to go to the Gun Show in Dayton with my parents, but I can't, because they wouldnt have been back by 2. Another example is Thanksgiving break from school. I am off wed.- Sun. and right now, i work wed, fri, and sat, and more than likely sunday too. I will get ONE of my FIVE days off off. So I will miss out on things i wouldnt have if i was jobless. This happens all the time, and so many of my friends can't do things cause they have to work. The money is nice... but is it worth it?

Monday, November 15, 2004

Somehow this will be Bush's fault too.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s regime reaped over $21 billion from kickbacks and smuggling before and during the now-defunct U.N. oil-for-food program, twice as much as previous estimates, according to a U.S. Senate probe on Monday.

The monies flowed between 1991 and 2003 through oil surcharges, kickbacks on civilian goods and smuggling directly to willing governments, Senate investigators said at a hearing.

"How was the world so blind to this massive amount of influence-peddling?" asked Republican Sen. Norm Coleman (news, bio, voting record), head of the investigations subcommittee.

Coleman made public more documents he said were evidence of bigger kickbacks and payments than what was previously known, including 2003 data previously not reviewed.

The new Senate figure is about double the amount estimated by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, which had pegged it at $10.1 billion. Charles Duelfer, the chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq (news - web sites), had estimated about the same amount based on Iraqi documents, with $2 billion through the U.N. program and $8 billion in smuggling by road or sea or in direct illegal agreements with governments.

The oil-for-food program began in December 1996 to alleviate the impact on ordinary Iraqis of sanctions, imposed when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990. The U.N. Security Council allowed Iraq to sell oil and buy food, medicine and other goods and let Baghdad draw up its own contracts.

This left room for abuse in the $64 billion program, administered by the United Nations (news - web sites) and monitored by a U.N. Security Council panel, including the United States, according to investigators.

Oil smuggling alone netted Saddam's regime about $9.7 billion, with other funds flowing from switching substandard goods with top-grade ones, as well as exploiting food and medicine shipments to the Kurds in Iraq's north.

Panel investigators also echoed the findings by Duelfer, head of the CIA (news - web sites)-led Iraq Survey Group, that Saddam's regime gave lucrative contracts to buy Iraqi oil to high-ranking officials in Russia, France and other nations.

On the list of 270 individuals, businesses and political parties was the head of the U.N. oil-for-food program, Benon Sevan, who has vigorously denied the charges.

Other recipients include Russian ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his Russian Liberal Democrat Party. The Senate panel released a document signed by Zhirinovsky in January 1999 that invited a U.S. oil company to Moscow to negotiate to buy the oil voucher. The name of the U.S. company was withheld because of pending investigations, panel staff said.

In Russian press statements, Zhirinovsky has denied taking bribes from Saddam's regime, though he admitted meeting with the former Iraqi president during trips to Baghdad.

Senior Iraqi officials like former Iraqi deputy prime minister Tareq Aziz were also personally involved in oil talks, Senate panel investigators said.

In each case, Saddam's regime awarded a certificate that allowed the holder to sell the right to buy Iraqi oil at below-market prices.

The certificate holder would charge a per-barrel commission to transfer the rights to an oil buyer. Per-barrel fees were usually less than $1 per barrel but racked up big dollar amounts because allocations upward of 1 million barrels were routine.

The United Nations has refused to hand over documents to a U.S. congressional committee or allow Sevan to appear before a panel while its own investigation is under way, led by Paul Volcker, the former U.S. Federal Reserve (news - web sites) chairman.

U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard said in New York that Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) had telephoned Coleman and Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, "to assure them we are not being obstructionist" following an angry letter last week from the two senators.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

"Lord Vader?" "Yes Master?" "Riiiiiiise."

"Lord Vader?" "Yes Master?" "Riiiiiiise."
When I heard those words this evening, I got the chills. When the entire screen went black, and then after words were spoken, it came to a room with fog. Then you hear the deep breath, and see Darth Vader strapped to an operating table. I went nuts. Where did I hear those words? Where did I experience this awe at? At on the Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith trailer.
Step by step:
00:07 - 20th Century Fox Logo
00:09 - Lucasfilm Logo
00:14 - "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
00:19 - Luke Skywalker in ANH walks out to view the binary sunset on Tatooine.
00:23 - Obi-Wan Kenobi in ANH speaks to Luke about the Jedi.
00:26 - Qui-Gon Jinn in TPM brandishes his saber before the final duel with Darth Maul.
00:27 - Shot from AOTC of the Clonetroopers walking into the transport.
00:29 - Shot from AOTC of the Clonetroopers at the end of the movie with transports lifting off in the background.
00:23 - Obi-Wan and Anakin with their backs toward the camera, walking up to a window during the day.
00:36 - AOTC shot of Anakin looking evil just before the Tusken slaughter.
00:38 - AOTC shot of Anakin riding the Swoop on Tatooine.
00:41 - ANH Obi-Wan continues his voice-over.
00:42 - A hooded Anakin turns to the camera with red and yellow eyes much like Darth Maul's.
00:50 - Shot of erupting volcanoes on Mustafar.
00:56 - Geonosians ride giant beetles in a Mustafar lava field.
00:58 - Black screen- "Lord Vader?" "Yes Master?" "Riiiiise".
01:04 - Darth Vader, strapped to a table, begins to rise.
01:05 - A hooded Obi-Wan looks up.
01:06 - Palpatine turns to look at the camera.
01:07 - Vader continues to rise.
01:08 - R2D2 on the Tantive IV.
01:08 - C3PO on the Tantive IV.
01:09 - Padme turns to look at Obi-Wan with a terrified look on her face.
01:09 - Mace Windu raises his saber above his head.
01:10 - Vader continues to rise.
01:11 - Chewbacca and Tarfful.
01:12 - Yoda opens his cloak to reveal his saber.
01:13 - Vader finishes his rise and locks into frame.
01:17 - Two starfighters speed past the camera.
01:18 - Anakin kisses Padme.
01:19 - Yoda pulls out his ignited saber and points with it.
01:19 - A starfighter speeds along the hull of a capitol ship towards the camera.
01:20 - Mace Windu fights against a red lightsaber.
01:20 - A large Wookiee army cheers on the Kashyyyk beach. Republic walkers and troop transports can be seen in the background.
01:21 - Tion Meddon snarls at Obi-Wan.
01:22 - Flaming capitol ship heads into Coruscant with a fire ship spraying water on it.
01:22 - A very angry Anakin does an overhead slash with his saber.
01:23 - R2D2 in a grimy area.
01:24 - Padme, with a ANH Leia haircut, hugs Anakin.
01:24 - A small Naboo cruiser flies away from Mustafar.
01:25 - Obi-Wan and Anakin, both with blue sabers, fight on Mustafar as lava erupts around them.
01:26 - Capitol ships fire on each other above Coruscant.
01:27 - Anakin grab's Obi-Wan's neck with his robotic arm.
01:27 - A "Tri-fighter" flies toward the camera.
01:28 - Obi-Wan held near the ground by Anakin, who appears to be trying to behead him with his own saber.
01:30 - A starship hanger door slams shut.
01:30 - A very angry Darth Sidious swings his red lightsaber.
01:31 - A large explosion on a capitol ship above Coruscant.
01:36 - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith logo.

Sure it could have been better. They could have had no mushy stuff, and probably no droids either, but the droids at least has a place. The kissing and hugging had none. Sure, Natalie Portman is hott, but it is all out of place in the teaser. But it's all good. I eagerly await more Star Wars goodies.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

Election Outcomes

Hey Osama, we rejected your little truce so you might want to look into buying four more years worth of subscription to "Better Holes & Caves" magazine.

It looks like George W. Bush has caused some unemployment since the Kerry campaign staff and John Edwards are now unemployed.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

We emerged victorious

I may be a teenage thumping racist bigot who doesnt know anything, (Cincinnati Blog, scroll down to Axinar's Universe Lays Down the Law- Oct. 31st.) but my president got reelected yesterday.

Monday, November 1, 2004

Enough with the damned politics

Quite frankly I will be extremely happy when Indecision 2004 is over. The Damnocrats and Republicunts are both pushing my patience beyond what it has ever been pushed before. I mean sure, it was fun getting those pictures of Bush at the Fairgrounds rally ( and it was fun protesting at the Kerry/Edwards rally at the Heritage Center. That was all fun, but now it's getting old. The mudballing is disgusting and the hate among Republicunts, Damnocrats, and Indumbpendents is just too repetitive. Why can't we just vote, keep our opinions to ourselves, and move on with life? And WTF is up with all these damn TV ads? I can't watch anything anymore without someone having a political ad. It is simply disgusting.
I understand how touchy this election is, and how much is at stake, but DAMN. Seriously. Its about 18 hours long, and its been about 3 months of non-stop crap. I was even personally going to go sign snatching, but I cancelled those plans because I just got sick of the whole thing. People even turned that into a hate game. Instead of moving them or knocking them over, people are burning them, peeing on them, or even stealing them. It's gruesomely disgusting.
People will say, "But Kenny, this election is too big," or "there is too much to lose." Trust me. I know all this fully. Bush has fucked us over. Our country is in shambles both economically and socially, even though jobs are coming back into the country they arent coming in fast enough to replace the ones we lost, our troops are over in Iraq with no plan of coming home, and rumors are circulating that if we don't pull out soon they will have no choice but to instate the draft because we dont have enough troops to sustain that country. I am almost 18, and I will be one of those draft candidates if it comes to that.
Then we also have Kerry. To some he is a savior. He comes in a troubled time, looking like a light in the darkness. But the problem with that is, we dont know if he's a blue light, a green light, a red light, a white light, or what. Because he keeps changing his colors. He is for gun control, at least until he goes hunting the next morning. He voted for and supported the war in Iraq, until shit went sour, and then it became "The wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place." But for most it's simply because, "He's not Bush."
Finally we come to our third party candidates. Mainly Nader, Badnarik, and Cobb. But there are others also, there always will be. While they may seem nice to some, the majority of Americans find then TOO liberal or TOO radical for them, so they dont get enough votes to even show up in the percentages.
As Axinar likes to remind everyone so often, I am a "thumper," and I am proud of it. And that influences many of my views. I disagree with homosexual relationships, I am Pro-Life, I am anti-war, I am against Capital Punishment, pro-education, I agree that "gun control is being able to hit your target," and I don't particularly like a government all up in my business. If i could chose anyone to be president, it would probably be Badnarik, BUT he doesnt seem to being too hott, so I would need to throw my support between one of the two main candidates. George "Wrong" Bush, or John "Flip Flop" Kerry. Honestly, I may not agree with everything he has done, but at least I know what Bush stands for. So i threw my support behind him. Obviously Ive had some rough times being in a mainly democratic county and that's to be expected. But i am seriously just gettin sick of it. Isn't there a new cd droppin, or a new movie coming out that we can talk about? Screw Iraq, screw politics, and screw Amerikka. I am getting disgusted with the way our country is presenting itself.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Racism: More Rampant Now Than in the Past

When people hear the word “racism,” they think usually one of 3 things:

Martin Luther King Jr.

Black People


To support this theory, I asked some people:

M******ffy: KKK and black people

M******ffy: but most people

Xsoxha****rex: kkk

**** Ezekiel 1: not liking black people

ax****: pete Bronson

dscotty****: blacks

MiZz ArC ****: black

You see, people are so close-minded these days, they don’t even realize that racism has grown into more of a beast now, than it ever has been. First off, black is not the only other race besides white. But when asked what the first thing that came to mind was, the younger the person that was asked, then the more their answer was focused on blacks. That’s do to the portrayal of race in our world today. Racism reaches beyond the dislike, or unfair treating of darker skinned people. It also reaches into the realms of Whites, Mexicans, Orientals, Europeans, and most apparent in today’s Divided States of America--Middle Easterners.

When a black man is killed or robbed in your town and the cops are called to respond to the situation, they say a 25 yr. old African-American male was killed. But if it was a white guy, they would say a 25 yr. male was killed. Are they suggesting that white is the norm? Isn’t that racism? What about the United Negro College Fund? IF we are as unified as our douche-bag leaders say we are, then why isn’t it the United College Fund? Because our world went to the extreme in equality. It was originally that blacks were being treated differently (worse) than white folk, so we made laws and reforms to change that. Now it is to the point where being African-American isn’t a curse anymore or an up and coming section of society being oppressed, but it is now a gift. In our world of equality, we have BET, (Black Entertainment Television) The United Negro College Fund,,,,, African American History Month, and many, many more to be found.

Is there a White Entertainment Channel? Or White History Month? If I saw “nigger,” “nigga,” or any other form of the “N” word at my school around people of the darker skin tone, It’s highly possible I will be getting jumped. Not to even get into school discipline where even the principle gets involved with it. But if they say “Cracka” or “Whitey” or “Pale boy,” or anything along those lines, nothing happens. Nothing at all. The world is to the point now, where we can be racist, as long as we aren’t white. When a white guy is racist, it is Politically Incorrect. But if someone mainly non-white does to us what we get smashed for doing to them, it is alright. Now don’t get me wrong. I do not dislike blacks or whites or anything like that, but I think that this is a problem that has gone unnoticed, and untouched.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I'll know how to vote come November. Right now, we have one guy
saying one thing. Then the other guy says something else.
Who to believe. Lemme see; have I got this straight?

Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good...
Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad...

Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good...
Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad...

Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good...
Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...

Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists-good...
Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...

Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good...
Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad...

Clinton commits felonies while in office - good...
Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad...

No mass graves found in Serbia - good...
No WMD found Iraq - bad...

Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good...
Economy on upswing under Bush - bad...

Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good...
World Trade Centers fall under Bush - bad...

Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good...
Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad...

Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good...
Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad...

Milosevic not yet convicted - good...
Saddam turned over for trial - bad...

Ahh, it's so confusing!

Every year an independent tax watchdog group analyzes the average tax burden on Americans, and then calculates the "Tax Freedom Day". This is the day after which the money you earn goes to you, not the government. This year, tax freedom day was April 11th. That's the earliest it has been since 1991.
It's latest day ever was May 2nd, which occurred in 2000. Notice anything special about those dates?

Recently, John Kerry gave a speech in which he claimed Americans are actually paying more taxes under Bush, despite the tax cuts. He gave no explanation and provided no data for this claim.

Another interesting fact: Both George Bush and John Kerry are wealthy men. Bush owns only one home, his ranch in Texas. Kerry owns 4 mansions, all worth several million dollars. (His ski resort home in Idaho is an old barn brought over from Europe in pieces. Not your average A-frame).
Bush paid $250,000 in taxes this year; Kerry paid $90,000. Does that sound right? The man who wants to raise your taxes obviously has figured out a way to avoid paying his own.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

"Greater love has no man...."

The Bible says that giving your life for another is the greatest love. But what does God mean when he says give your life for another?

John 15: 12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved
you.13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

John 15: 12This is My commandment: that you love one another [just] as I have loved you.13No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.

The Bible says that giving your life for another is the greatest love. But my question for you this evening is this: What does giving or laying down your life actually consist of?
On i found many definitons of life, but this one made the most sense:
Human existence, relationships, or activity in general: real life; everyday life.

So to give that up.. what exactly does that mean? I ask this question randomly because i just watched the movie Saved! Yes, 'tis a very contreversial movie, but my point is this. She gave up her virginity to try and turn her bf, whom happened to think he was gay, back to straight. Is that a way of giving your life for another? Or, many a times i find myself worrying more about my friends salvation than my own condition with God. I find myself devoting all my time and energies into trying to save them that i find myself slipping. Is that a form of giving your life for another? what exactly does that mean, to GIVE YOUR LIFE. When it says "your life" what does it mean?

Obviously we can see through Christ's ultimate form of love on the cross, that your literal life, your very heartbeat sacrificed for someone else is nothing but love. Is that the only form of giving your life? Where is the definition at? When i asked a friend, he said that marriage was a form of giving your life. So if you give your life to your wife, is that the greatest love? I don't think so personally... but i would like some thoughts. Because in the movie, the girl thought that giving her virginity to this guy in hopes of turning him straight was God's plan for her. That God wanted that. Would God ask someone to go against his own rules for the greater good? And in her case, was that the greatest love? The bible tells us that homosexuality is a sin, and she was trying to save him from a life of sin by giving it all up. Is that not giving everything up for someone else? If you step in front of a loaded gun pointed at your friend and tell the shooter to take u instead, you are giving it all up. Are you doing the same if you take the steps she took? or if you worry more about the salvation of others than your own walk with christ?

Monday, October 11, 2004

R.I.P.Christopher Reeve 1952-2004

Today the world lost a truly great man. One of the few people that actually were "super" men. This guy toughed out things i could even imagine.

"Superman" actor Christopher Reeve, who turned personal tragedy into a public crusade and from his wheelchair became the nation's most recognizable spokesman for spinal cord research, has died. He was 52.
Reeve died Sunday of complications from an infection caused by a bedsore. He went into cardiac arrest Saturday, while at his Pound Ridge home, then fell into a coma and died Sunday at a hospital surrounded by his family, his publicist said.
In the last week Reeve had developed a serious systemic infection, a common problem for people living with paralysis who develop bedsores and depend on tubes and other medical devices needed for their care. He entered the hospital Saturday.
Dana Reeve thanked her husband's personal staff of nurses and aides, "as well as the millions of fans from around the world."
"He put up with a lot," his mother, Barbara Johnson, told the syndicated television show "The Insider." "I'm glad that he is free of all those tubes."
Before the 1995 horse-riding accident that caused his paralysis, Reeve's athletic, 6-foot-4-inch frame and love of adventure made him a natural choice for the title role in the first "Superman" movie in 1978. He insisted on performing his own stunts.

"Look, I've flown, I've become evil, loved, stopped and turned the world backward, I've faced my peers, I've befriended children and small animals and I've rescued cats from trees," Reeve told the Los Angeles Times in 1983, just before the release of the third "Superman" movie. "What else is there left for Superman to do that hasn't been done?"

Though he owed his fame to it, Reeve made a concerted effort to, as he often put it, "escape the cape." He played an embittered, crippled Vietnam veteran in the 1980 Broadway play "Fifth of July," a lovestruck time-traveler in the 1980 movie "Somewhere in Time," and an aspiring playwright in the 1982 suspense thriller "Deathtrap."
More recent films included John Carpenter's "Village of the Damned," and the HBO movies "Above Suspicion" and "In the Gloaming," which he directed. Among his other film credits are "The Remains of the Day," "The Aviator," and "Morning Glory."

Reeve's life changed completely after he broke his neck in May 1995 when he was thrown from his horse during an equestrian competition in Culpeper, Va.

Enduring months of therapy to allow him to breathe for longer and longer periods without a respirator, Reeve emerged to lobby Congress for better insurance protection against catastrophic injury. He moved an Academy Award audience to tears with a call for more films about social issues.
"Hollywood needs to do more," he said in the 1996 Oscar awards appearance. "Let's continue to take risks. Let's tackle the issues. In many ways our film community can do it better than anyone else."
He returned to directing, and even returned to acting in a 1998 production of "Rear Window," a modern update of the Hitchcock thriller about a man in a wheelchair who is convinced a neighbor has been murdered. Reeve won a Screen Actors Guild award for best actor in a TV movie or miniseries.
"I was worried that only acting with my voice and my face, I might not be able to communicate effectively enough to tell the story," Reeve said. "But I was surprised to find that if I really concentrated, and just let the thoughts happen, that they would read on my face."
Reeve also made several guest appearances on the WB series "Smallville" as Dr. Swann, a scientist who gave the teenage Clark Kent insight into his future as Superman.

In 2000, Reeve was able to move his index finger, and a specialized workout regimen made his legs and arms stronger. With rigorous therapy, involving repeated electrical stimulation of the muscles, he also regained sensation in other parts of his body. He vowed to walk again.
"I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life. I don't mean to be reckless, but setting a goal that seems a bit daunting actually is very helpful toward recovery," Reeve said.
Dr. John McDonald treated Reeve as director of the Spinal Cord Injury Program at Washington University in St. Louis. He called Reeve "one of the most intense individuals I've ever met in my life."
"Before him there was really no hope," McDonald said. "If you had a spinal cord injury like his there was not much that could be done, but he's changed all that. He's demonstrated that there is hope and that there are things that can be done."
Dr. Raymond Onders, who implanted electrodes in Reeve's diaphragm in a groundbreaking surgery to help him breathe, said the sore that led to the infection was not Reeve's only recent health problem.
"Many different problems develop after nine years of being dependent on a ventilator, not being able to move yourself, having intestinal problems. ... It just slowly builds up over the years," Onders told ABC's "Good Morning America."
Reeve was born Sept. 25, 1952, in New York City, son of a novelist and a newspaper reporter. About age 10, he made his first stage appearance — in Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Yeoman of the Guard" at a theater in Princeton, N.J.
After graduating from Cornell University in 1974, he landed a part as coldhearted bigamist Ben Harper on the soap opera "Love of Life." He also performed frequently on stage, winning his first Broadway role as the grandson of Katharine Hepburn's character in "A Matter of Gravity."
Reeve's first movie role was a minor one in the submarine disaster movie "Gray Lady Down," released in 1978. "Superman" soon followed. Reeve was selected for the role from among about 200 aspirants.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Male Chauvinist

If anyone besides Axinar reads this, I am confident they won't after this post.
DISCLAIMER: I do not HATE women, I am not gay, & I am a minor, which means you can't kick my ass without going to jail.

Woman are the root of all evil. Simple Algebra will solve this:
First we state that girls require time and money.
Girls= Time x Money
As we all know, time is money.
Time= Money
Girls=Money x Money= (Money)2
And because money is the root of all evil:
Money=The root of evil.
Girls= (The root of evil)2
and we are forced to conclude that:

So we've proved the evilness of woman with Math, so let us move on to history:
Anyone who has read a bible, and some who havent, knows who Eve is. Eve was the companion God gave Adam in the Garden of Eden. So you may ask, why aren't we all in the garden. The answer is simple. A woman. Eve got tricked into eating the apple, and then knowing it was wrong, she gave some to Adam. Which in turn caused them to see their nakedness, hide, and get kicked out when God confronted them. Who started the chain of events? Eve, a woman.
Ok, moving a bit further in time. Samson was a strong man. A godly man. Well his strength was from God, and his hair was his source of strength. Well, a WOMAN, tricked him into telling him where he got his strength. When he woke up the morning after, his hair was gone, and so was his strength. Why? Because the woman lied to him, used him, and then cut his hair.
What about Helen of Troy? Has anyone read the Illiad? or seen Troy? or just heard the story? That whole mess, was over.. yes you guessed it... a woman. She ran off with Paris, and her hubby got mad, and urged the war to be waged on Troy. SHE, thats a pronoun for a female btw.
The biggest amunition us right-wing, nutjob, republicans have against the past democratic president (clinton for all the history majors out there) is a WOMAN flashing her stuff, and asking not what her country can do for her, but what she can do for her country. ;-) So many times in life, do woman use thier sexuality and bodies to thier advantage to take control of men by the balls, literally.
All you Star Wars nuts. Why did Obi-Wan die? You may say, well Darth Vader killed him, duh. Youd be wrong. It was all Leia's fault. If she hadnt have gotten caught in the first place, then Luke's uncle and Aunt wouldnt have died, and they wouldnt have had to pack up and head to alderaan to get the plans to the Leia's father on Aalderan, who just happened to be dead, and they wouldnt have followed the tie fighter, and found the death star and gotten caught in the tractor beam, and had to go save her.
How about Superman? The majority of the time he's in trouble, what is he doing? Saving LOIS LANE.
How about Spiderman, he's always saving his women from some psycho maniacs, risking HIS life, so he can bring her home and she can bitch about how dirty thier room is.
But im going to stop here, because im tired, and im pretty sure i got my point across.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Girls, God, Friends, and Parents....

Girls- Wow heres a topic i could overload the web on. first off, does anyone realize how hard it is to find a good lookin christian girl that actually likes you? lol i dont know, but if anyone else does, let me know, and we shall go to dinner and share stories. lol. How do you tell if a girl honestly likes you? or if shed go out with you. because you can say almost any girl that is being nice to you is flirting, and i mean even then, every girl is different. where one girl acted like this, another may not. and your not just gonna come out and ask her..... cause thats just like 3rd grade aint it? well not quite... but like w/o any clue at all... just ask.... then she could be like, no im just tryin to be friendly.. and then think your a prick forever, and that would totally suck, and i mean most guys always have a chick they like but they dont know if she likes him, and the thoughts fester until he quits caring, or he finds out (these views arent directed at all females) Females are confusing. and you realize the mischevious nature of females? check out the story of pandoras box.... eve..... delilah..... my mom... i mean the list goes on forever... so so far we have mischevious, and confusing.. what else do we have? (this isnt meant to bash women, im just thinking.) if all these girls are always ending me up in trouble, pain, or messes of some sort.. why do i keep going after another one? i got wiped with jenny, went quite a bit before i got in that mess with jordan.. then right off the coattails of that i dove into brandie... and then 2 wks after that storm blew up i started with jaime... although i really wouldnt call what we had much of a relationship, it WAS one day short of a month of my life, not bein mean, just sayin.... so yea... i guess im a sucker... and in all honesty i liked all of them, but in each relationship somethin happened that hurt in some way... and from then i still liked them... but i just couldnt deal with it. Jenny sayin yes on sunday, and breakin up with me on tuesday, Jordan wanting to date andrea and me at the same time, brandie wanting to live with me or w/e she was doin, and then jaimie not sharing her true feelings, breaking up with me, and almost ignorin me... it all hurt.. and if those situations hadnt arisen, then i dont think the relationships would have ended..... but idk cause im not miss. cleo. also heres a pattern. Jordan and Brandie were both 19, and i broke up with them, jenny and jaime were both younger than me, and they broke up with me... is that a pattern worth watchin? But then the pattern has broken with the most recent one, Jessica. We kicked it for short of 2 months. The difference is she's almost 17. And i broke up with her. But i broke up with her for pretty much the same reason as brandie. She got too serious. Talkin about "You dont hug me enough" and "I only see you 5 times a week." Plus there was way too much gossip in that one. So once again i spend my long nights thinking about women, trying to make them make sense.

God- This is the topic bigger than the world wide web, and i could go longer on him than i could on females, and i know thats hard to believe. One thing that is hard to believe is how people can see all the signs, yet still deny. And what about that expedition up Ararat or w/e mountain noahs ark is on? yea, someones fundin this big hike up this mountain just for photos they say, no souveniers or nothin, cause they saw sattelite pix that look like it could be up there. The Trinity. I guess there are people right... Trinitatians, and Non-Trinitarians. Some people believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are 3 dif. beings instead of different forms of the same. Ive always looked at it as 3 forms of matter. Solid- God, he is the rock, he is unbreakable, and he has been firm and reliable since the beginning of time. Liquid- Jesus, as water does in a glass, took the from of somethin else, man, and cleansed as water would. And Gas- The Ghost, invisible but still affecting, and gives power just like steam does. does that make any sense? or is this just middle of the night rambling? I wonder myself sometimes. Well there is my god thoughts for the night.

Friends- How do you tell true friends. I mean sure you can see if they would give thier life for you, but when they do that, then it pretty much doesnt count no more does it? lol cause i mean what kind of friend will they be dead? and you can trust thier word, but that will falter eventually. In the end everyone leaves you alone or hurts you at some time except for god, so just because you get in a fight dont mean they werent really your friend. Do you judge them on what they are willing to give up for you? or just how trustworthy they are? or do you do as you do with Jesus and just trust, not blindly, but without doubt? and how much should friendship be worth to you? i can understand giving up your life for a friend, and i would for my friends in 2 snaps of a bullwhip, but i mean morals and such. and how do you choose between friends? and then my final question is this... is it right to betray a friends trust for thier better good, or should you hold thier secret or whatnot no matter the cost...........?

Parents- Sometimes you wonder if they're sent from god, or from satan.... I can see the positive in the things they do... and have done.... but what about the negative? when do you draw the line in respecting your parents? the bible says respect thy parents and such, but what if you believe what your parents say goes against what god would want? This has been an internal battle of mine for the longest time... when should a child begin to expand thier boundaries? at what age does a child start the trip into adulthood? At the begining of what would be my 5th grade year, my parents sent me to live with my grandparents. I went through a hell there..... one that i wont indulge into, because it is one of the few thing that will bring me to my knees crying. But needless to say afterwards my parents came to get me, and then they apologized and whatever, and i forgave them, but the scar still remained, and it took a while for me to trust them again. I started to trust them about the beginning of 7th. Then at the end of 8th, i did some things that im not proud of, and when i was caught, my parents sent me to a boarding school, and once again, i went through some life changing things, and they pulled me out of there. I forgave them, but more scars came... and it took longer for me to begin trusting. I started trusting my mom more first, and so when my mom did some things that could have ruined our household, i sided with her for a time, but then there came a point in all this where she ditched me for her habit... and i got fed up. well some stuff went down because of my actions after that, and i was scarred again after that, and i forgave them, and even longer it took to completely trust them... and then recently, i felt betrayed by my own mother in a situation, and it hurt.. and just how much more do i put my trust in them? how much more am i expected to take? dont get me wrong, i love my parents, but seriously, when your a kid you learn that when you touch fire it hurts. you learn that by repeatedly doing it.... and eventually you dont do it anymore. I guess this is true with any people, but with parents being around the longest, they get this the most, plus this is about them, so yea. So is trusting your parents completely like putting your hand in the fire? if so, how long will it take before you realize not to do it again? or should you ever realize it?

Jesus Wept?

I am a "Thumper" as Axinar so colorfully put it, and as i am a christian, i read the bible. While watching Barbershop 2, Ice Cube mentions John 11:35- "Jesus Wept." I have wondered for a long time WHY he wept.

So jesus wept... and i have asked WHY. Here is some of the many things that ive gotten:


My Mamaw: I'm not sure anyone knows the answer for certain. Ihave often heard it said that He wept because He was saddened by the unbelief of the people. He certainlydid not weep because of Lazarus' death because He knewHe would call him forth.

Alana: I dont know

aaronporter : That's a good question my friend. Why did Jesus weep? Well, that passage is found in John 11:35, but in order to figure out exactly what is being said you must read that whole chapter. It will help to bring clarity to your question. But I'll tell you what I think and what I have come to learn through a lot of studying and praying. Lazarus and his two sisters Martha and Mary are regularly mentioned in the gospels which leads us to believe they were close friends of Jesus. Now Lazarus has died. Of course Jesus is sad, his best friend just went through a great deal of suffering. Jesus knew his pain. Jesus knows everyone's pain. Don't you get sad when a friend or a loved one is hurting? But I don't believe that is the whole reason that "Jesus Wept." The big reason, I believe, that Jesus felt sorrow at this moment in his life is because of the unbelief of the people. Jesus had already performed several miracles and proved his claims as God's son over and over again. Yet, the people wanted to put the blame of Lazarus death on him, and they refused to believe that Christ had the power to save Lazarus. Jesus Wept because of the people's unbelief. Today I still think Jesus weeps. John Piper is quoted for praying, "God, help my unbelief." He's one of the most well known preachers and teachers of the bible; and yet, in some areas he finds unbelief, and he needs God's help to overcome it. Do you ever feel unbelief? of course you do. We all do. But Jesus wants you to overcome that, just like he wanted the people around Lazarus tomb that day to overcome their unbelief. And because he wanted them to overcome this unbelief he rose Lazarus from the dead. This story is still lived out today. Spiritually we are born dead, but to help our unbelief God sends his Holy Spirit to live in us and make us alive in Him when we trust Him with our lives.

This is all I have so far. Any ideas?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

The Origin

So I've been on a computer for most of my life, and I've been on the internet for about 6 years. Since then ive had over 35 AIM screen names, 17 email addresses, 4 Yahoo Messenger Accounts, 2 MSN messenger accounts, 2 ICQ accounts, and God knows how many websites I've run. Currently i use 5 AIM screen names, 5 email addresses, 1 Yahoo Messenger account, 1 msn account, and 3 websites. I still use, and This will make my fourth.

My inspiration for making yet another website, and hosting it here, is someone some of you may have read before, Axinar. He's one of the only people that my mother is still in contact with that knew her before 15 years ago, and isn't related to me biologically. A few months ago my mother decided I had reached the age where i could have unmonitored contact with him. And since then he's convinced me to open this blog up.

Regardless, I'm here now, and we shall make the best of it. Here's my introduction, ill post somethin deep here soon enough.