Friday, October 29, 2004

Racism: More Rampant Now Than in the Past

When people hear the word “racism,” they think usually one of 3 things:

Martin Luther King Jr.

Black People


To support this theory, I asked some people:

M******ffy: KKK and black people

M******ffy: but most people

Xsoxha****rex: kkk

**** Ezekiel 1: not liking black people

ax****: pete Bronson

dscotty****: blacks

MiZz ArC ****: black

You see, people are so close-minded these days, they don’t even realize that racism has grown into more of a beast now, than it ever has been. First off, black is not the only other race besides white. But when asked what the first thing that came to mind was, the younger the person that was asked, then the more their answer was focused on blacks. That’s do to the portrayal of race in our world today. Racism reaches beyond the dislike, or unfair treating of darker skinned people. It also reaches into the realms of Whites, Mexicans, Orientals, Europeans, and most apparent in today’s Divided States of America--Middle Easterners.

When a black man is killed or robbed in your town and the cops are called to respond to the situation, they say a 25 yr. old African-American male was killed. But if it was a white guy, they would say a 25 yr. male was killed. Are they suggesting that white is the norm? Isn’t that racism? What about the United Negro College Fund? IF we are as unified as our douche-bag leaders say we are, then why isn’t it the United College Fund? Because our world went to the extreme in equality. It was originally that blacks were being treated differently (worse) than white folk, so we made laws and reforms to change that. Now it is to the point where being African-American isn’t a curse anymore or an up and coming section of society being oppressed, but it is now a gift. In our world of equality, we have BET, (Black Entertainment Television) The United Negro College Fund,,,,, African American History Month, and many, many more to be found.

Is there a White Entertainment Channel? Or White History Month? If I saw “nigger,” “nigga,” or any other form of the “N” word at my school around people of the darker skin tone, It’s highly possible I will be getting jumped. Not to even get into school discipline where even the principle gets involved with it. But if they say “Cracka” or “Whitey” or “Pale boy,” or anything along those lines, nothing happens. Nothing at all. The world is to the point now, where we can be racist, as long as we aren’t white. When a white guy is racist, it is Politically Incorrect. But if someone mainly non-white does to us what we get smashed for doing to them, it is alright. Now don’t get me wrong. I do not dislike blacks or whites or anything like that, but I think that this is a problem that has gone unnoticed, and untouched.


piratesswoop said...

I had to make a post to agree completely with what you just said here. Stuff like that pisses me off completely. And I hate how people sit there and tell me 'Well, MTV is for white people!' except they forget that pretty much 9/10 of the music MTV still gets around to playing is rap. And I hate affirmative action so much, because it IS an unfair advantage. You want to get into college, then you work hard and get a good GPA. Race should have NOTHING to do with it. Seeing as how I'm black, people always think I tend to do things the "black way" but I don't. Sometimes I wish I was born white, because I'm sick of all the negative things that blacks exhibit. They wonder why people group them, well if you looked at 3/4 of the black students in our school, all they talk about is girls/boys, 'the hoop game'(god i'm SO sick of basketball), parties, getting high or doing stupid shit. 9w745983u4jtalewawet.

Axinar said...

Unfortunately, like me, you are in somewhat of an artificial environment where you go to school.

Look at the CEO's of the Fortune 500. What do you see?

Look at CNBC. What do you see?

Walk into any major bank and try to apply for a loan. What do you see?

The fact of the matter is that even WITH preferential treatment it is DAMN difficult for women and blacks to make headway in at the upper levels of business in this country.

Is this because corporate America is loaded to the brim with people who have the same attitude as Adolf Hitler. Not neccessarily. Hitler was a megalomaniac on a quest.

Your average business type simply has such a severe case of tunnel vision that anything that comes into his sight that doesn't "seem familiar" he completely ignores it.

So perhaps you are half right ... it is not necessarily racism that is causing so many people to be repressed, but more like xenophobia.

Adam said...

Definitely agree..