Monday, November 1, 2004

Enough with the damned politics

Quite frankly I will be extremely happy when Indecision 2004 is over. The Damnocrats and Republicunts are both pushing my patience beyond what it has ever been pushed before. I mean sure, it was fun getting those pictures of Bush at the Fairgrounds rally ( and it was fun protesting at the Kerry/Edwards rally at the Heritage Center. That was all fun, but now it's getting old. The mudballing is disgusting and the hate among Republicunts, Damnocrats, and Indumbpendents is just too repetitive. Why can't we just vote, keep our opinions to ourselves, and move on with life? And WTF is up with all these damn TV ads? I can't watch anything anymore without someone having a political ad. It is simply disgusting.
I understand how touchy this election is, and how much is at stake, but DAMN. Seriously. Its about 18 hours long, and its been about 3 months of non-stop crap. I was even personally going to go sign snatching, but I cancelled those plans because I just got sick of the whole thing. People even turned that into a hate game. Instead of moving them or knocking them over, people are burning them, peeing on them, or even stealing them. It's gruesomely disgusting.
People will say, "But Kenny, this election is too big," or "there is too much to lose." Trust me. I know all this fully. Bush has fucked us over. Our country is in shambles both economically and socially, even though jobs are coming back into the country they arent coming in fast enough to replace the ones we lost, our troops are over in Iraq with no plan of coming home, and rumors are circulating that if we don't pull out soon they will have no choice but to instate the draft because we dont have enough troops to sustain that country. I am almost 18, and I will be one of those draft candidates if it comes to that.
Then we also have Kerry. To some he is a savior. He comes in a troubled time, looking like a light in the darkness. But the problem with that is, we dont know if he's a blue light, a green light, a red light, a white light, or what. Because he keeps changing his colors. He is for gun control, at least until he goes hunting the next morning. He voted for and supported the war in Iraq, until shit went sour, and then it became "The wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place." But for most it's simply because, "He's not Bush."
Finally we come to our third party candidates. Mainly Nader, Badnarik, and Cobb. But there are others also, there always will be. While they may seem nice to some, the majority of Americans find then TOO liberal or TOO radical for them, so they dont get enough votes to even show up in the percentages.
As Axinar likes to remind everyone so often, I am a "thumper," and I am proud of it. And that influences many of my views. I disagree with homosexual relationships, I am Pro-Life, I am anti-war, I am against Capital Punishment, pro-education, I agree that "gun control is being able to hit your target," and I don't particularly like a government all up in my business. If i could chose anyone to be president, it would probably be Badnarik, BUT he doesnt seem to being too hott, so I would need to throw my support between one of the two main candidates. George "Wrong" Bush, or John "Flip Flop" Kerry. Honestly, I may not agree with everything he has done, but at least I know what Bush stands for. So i threw my support behind him. Obviously Ive had some rough times being in a mainly democratic county and that's to be expected. But i am seriously just gettin sick of it. Isn't there a new cd droppin, or a new movie coming out that we can talk about? Screw Iraq, screw politics, and screw Amerikka. I am getting disgusted with the way our country is presenting itself.

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