Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Male Chauvinist

If anyone besides Axinar reads this, I am confident they won't after this post.
DISCLAIMER: I do not HATE women, I am not gay, & I am a minor, which means you can't kick my ass without going to jail.

Woman are the root of all evil. Simple Algebra will solve this:
First we state that girls require time and money.
Girls= Time x Money
As we all know, time is money.
Time= Money
Girls=Money x Money= (Money)2
And because money is the root of all evil:
Money=The root of evil.
Girls= (The root of evil)2
and we are forced to conclude that:

So we've proved the evilness of woman with Math, so let us move on to history:
Anyone who has read a bible, and some who havent, knows who Eve is. Eve was the companion God gave Adam in the Garden of Eden. So you may ask, why aren't we all in the garden. The answer is simple. A woman. Eve got tricked into eating the apple, and then knowing it was wrong, she gave some to Adam. Which in turn caused them to see their nakedness, hide, and get kicked out when God confronted them. Who started the chain of events? Eve, a woman.
Ok, moving a bit further in time. Samson was a strong man. A godly man. Well his strength was from God, and his hair was his source of strength. Well, a WOMAN, tricked him into telling him where he got his strength. When he woke up the morning after, his hair was gone, and so was his strength. Why? Because the woman lied to him, used him, and then cut his hair.
What about Helen of Troy? Has anyone read the Illiad? or seen Troy? or just heard the story? That whole mess, was over.. yes you guessed it... a woman. She ran off with Paris, and her hubby got mad, and urged the war to be waged on Troy. SHE, thats a pronoun for a female btw.
The biggest amunition us right-wing, nutjob, republicans have against the past democratic president (clinton for all the history majors out there) is a WOMAN flashing her stuff, and asking not what her country can do for her, but what she can do for her country. ;-) So many times in life, do woman use thier sexuality and bodies to thier advantage to take control of men by the balls, literally.
All you Star Wars nuts. Why did Obi-Wan die? You may say, well Darth Vader killed him, duh. Youd be wrong. It was all Leia's fault. If she hadnt have gotten caught in the first place, then Luke's uncle and Aunt wouldnt have died, and they wouldnt have had to pack up and head to alderaan to get the plans to the Leia's father on Aalderan, who just happened to be dead, and they wouldnt have followed the tie fighter, and found the death star and gotten caught in the tractor beam, and had to go save her.
How about Superman? The majority of the time he's in trouble, what is he doing? Saving LOIS LANE.
How about Spiderman, he's always saving his women from some psycho maniacs, risking HIS life, so he can bring her home and she can bitch about how dirty thier room is.
But im going to stop here, because im tired, and im pretty sure i got my point across.

1 comment:

Axinar said...

Actually your math is on the right track.

Basically it is a basic trade ... your average red-blooded straight male occasionally requires the "attention" of women and women require money. As long as everything in on the Q.T. up front there shouldn't be a problem.

Only thing is, except for your finer ladies of the evening, most women aren't happy with this arrangement. They are not happy unless they "lure" some poor unsuspecting S.O.B. into a chatel-like relationship.

I don't necessarily think they are "evil", per se. One too many men I know seem to actually LIKE to be kept.

And, let's face it, if most men didn't have an irresitable urge to "hook up" with wimmins and wimmins didn't have the irresistable urge to "enslave" men, probably not a one of us would be here.