Friday, May 9, 2008

Animal Rights? What About Human Rights?

So, animal rights have been thrust into the spotlight once more with this issue of the horse that broke it's leg at the derby this past weekend. With that, PETA has stepped in to toot their horn once more, and the debate rages on once more. I, however, have a problem with animal rights activists.

Of course, I love animals. I'm not for animal abuse, as many interweb-nazis might like to proclaim after reading this. Animals deserve fair and decent treatment, as much as people do. But therein lies the problem. The problem is animal rights activists caring more about animals than they do people.

PETA gets angry about death and mistreatment of animals, when there is still abortion and animal abuse on a large scale. That is the problem I have. Should we not worry about our own kind first? Granted, it's wrong to kill furry little creatures for the sake of manufacturing coats. If you live in the wilderness and you survive on only natural means, then fine. For food? That's another issue. We all need to eat, and not eating meat is detrimental to the human body. But that being said, should we not crusade for life all together, not simply animal rights? Should PETA supporters not protest abortion as vehemently as they protest animals being killed for profit? Should abortion supporters be allowed to throw buckets of human blood ..ionists? How are killing defenseless animals for the sake of selling their furs and worse than killing a child simply because it's inconvenient and unwanted?

The majority of avid PETA members and supporters are left wingers too, which is also the ideological wing that would probably permit abortion long past birth. I imagine most lefties would be okay with killing an inconvenient child up until they're having sex for themselves, or at least old enough for their schools to give them birth control without their parents' consent. These days that's what? 12 years old? 11 maybe?

At the Taste Of Chaos tour this year, I actually joined a PETA mailing list. Granted I was hammered, but after the guy told me I could still eat steaks after signing it, I did. I reiterate, I love fury little critters, and don't like to see any suffer. To me, someone who abuses or neglects their dog or cat is as bad as my parents, who abused and neglected their child. However, I don't see how people can go on crusades to protect and save animals when there are still all these children being abused or aborted every day. I know that, in the same way they care more about terrorists than Americans, they tend to not care about their own kind. However, it still baffles me that people could be like that.

All I'm saying is, maybe we oughta care more about human rights before we go on crusades for animals, eh? There are harsher penalties for animal abuse these days than there are for killing another human. I mean, they shout about how we need to leave Iraq to deal with problems at home... so let's ditch the animals for a bit to deal with problems with humans, eh?

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